前往英国柏朗思就读高中,是一种什么样的体验 ?| Value of “Priority Placement”

互联网2023-06-21 14:09:05

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BMH的执行校长Dr Wall 此前也亲自前往了英国柏朗思进行了访校,他对学校的氛围与设施、课程与学生都赞不绝口。在英国期间,他专门访问了在英国柏朗思就读的中国学生,去了解学生们最真实的感受,希望能给BMH的学生和家长一些参考。




英国柏朗思学校是英国少数同时提供IB和A level课程的学校在英国男女兼收的私立学校中,它的IB排名前四,A level排名前18。从六年级开始,BMH的学生可以提前锁定英国本校的高中学位,并于九年级开始前往英国本校就读(三年GCSE课程+2年A level/IB课程);部分学生可以直接升读十年级(两年GCSE课程+2年A level/IB课程)。就读英国本校高中,能够打下坚实的学业基础,让学生有充足的时间适应英国的教育体系和宿舍生活,从而更有可能考上罗素集团大学和其他世界一流的大学(英国本校超过70%的学生被罗素集团大学录取)。


“全方位出色” ——现象级的丰富课外活动






在沉浸式的英语学习环境中,体验西方的教学模式和生活,能够为学生打下扎实的语言基础和学术基础,为A level和IB取得优异成绩培养优势。对于国外的寄宿生,英国本校还有专门的英文非母语教学的教师团队,在上课日全天、午休和周六高强度、系统性地强化学生的英语水平,帮助他们取得学业上的成功。







We are well aware that a child"s education is a top priority for a family and that choosing the right path for them is not easy.

Going abroad? Staying in China?

When to go abroad? University? High school?

What kind of school to choose for studyingabroad in high school?


After countless discussions with school families at BMH, we launched the Priority Placement Programme this year. We want to give our children more choices, choices that are more suited to their own development.

The "Priority Placement" is an internal pathway provided by Bromsgrove UK for Bromsgrove School Mission Hills, which includes two parts: "selection and training of outstanding students" and "priority for Senior High school places".

As a brand new programme, many parents ask us why choose Bromsgrove UK? Why should I choose to join the Preferred Programme? Why is this the right choice for my child?

We are ready to tell you today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, with countless examples, the advantages of the Priority Placement Programme and the reasons for choosing it.

BMH"s Executive Headmaster, Dr Wall, also visited BMH and was very impressed with the atmosphere and facilities, the curriculum and the students. During his stay in the UK, he interviewed Chinese students who were studying at Bromsgrove Schoolto find out how they really felt about the school, which will help to provide reference for BMH students and parents.



Exclusive privilege to BMH students - Secure placement in advance

(Bromsgrove UK is one of a handful of schools in the UK offering both IB and A levels.Amongst co-ed independent schools in UK,it ranks Top 4 for IB and Top 18 for A levels).From P6 upwards,BMH students can secure valuable places at Bromsgrove UK Senior School in advance,entering in Year 9 in UK(for 3 years of GCSE courses+2 years of A Level/IB courses);for selected students,they can enter straight into Year 10(2 years of GCSE courses+2 years of A Level/IB courses).With such a solid foundation and time to adjust to the UK education system and boarding life,students have a very high probability of entering Russell Group and top universities(more than 70%of BSUK graduates gained places at Russell Group universities).


“Breadthellence” – Phenomenal enrichment opportunities

At Bromsgrove UK,the enriching holistic opportunities are phenomenal.From the A to Z of co-curricular activities,to nationally recognised sports,and a creative arts scene delivered with passion in a large,happy community of committed young people,all Bromsgrovians lead a stimulating school life which shapes individuals forever.Bromsgrove UK has consistently ranked top 6 in sports and also has a longstanding history of successful school leavers going on to read Music,or Music Performance,at institutions such as Oxford,Cambridge,Durham,Manchester,Liverpool,as well as the Royal Academy of Music and Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts.

CricketHockeyMusic and DramaArt & DTNo-Number-03

Language acquisition and teaching experience:Having the extra time in an immersive English environment under Western pedagogies and experiences will give students the linguistic and academic foundations and edge to be successful in A levels or IB.For international boarders,a dedicated team of EAL teachers support students throughout the school day,lunchtimes and Saturdays,to intensively and systematically elevate their English levels for academic success.

For international students,especially those raised in China,having the extra time and the immersive English environment will prepare students well and give them the social and academic edge for a successful and enriching university life.Furthermore,with over 500 years of history,the staggering breadth and first division academic performance is simply unmatched by any schools in Shenzhen preparing students for overseas studies.

We will be sending out a series of tweets in batches to give you a full understanding of the benefits and features of Bromsgrove UK, so please stay tuned to our posts to find out more!

